
Hello PerrfectlyFlawedd!

My thought bubble for the week:

“So many people think self-care is a selfish act but it’s not. Self-care is about prioritizing your emotional and mental health. Take time for you!”


Hello PerrfectlyFlawedd!

My thought bubble for the week:

“Disappointment often happens when we overestimate how important we are in a person’s life.”



My thought bubble for the week:

“Sometimes we fall in love with the story of how we met someone as opposed to falling in love with that person.”


My thought bubble for the week:

“We ARE responsible for what we say and how we say it. We are not responsible for how that person interprets that information.”


The Three A’s

Hello PerrfectlyFlawedd,

My thought bubble for the week:

“When it comes to managing stressors, triggers, life events, and situations implement the three A’s: Acceptance: Accept it for what it is; take it at face value. Alter: Change the way you perceive it and how you respond to it. Alleviate: Remove it. Managing stressors, triggers, life events and situations in a healthy way can lead to emotional and mental well-being.”


Hello PerfectlyFlawed,

My thought bubble for the week:

“Self-Love! I hear so many people say that they love themselves but is your life and the decisions you make reflective of that love?”

Inside Out

Hello Perrfectly Flawedd,

My thought bubble for the week:

“The unhealthy thoughts and emotions that people hold on to on the inside are reflected on the outside. They are reflected through that persons affect, mood, attitude, physical appearance, communication, interaction with others, and unhealthy behaviors. Changing unhealthy thoughts and emotions is a process that starts with self-reflection. Self-reflection that leads to recognizing and admitting there’s a problem, identifying the problem, then making the conscious effort to change the problem.” Have a great week my PerrfectlyFlawedd beautiful people!





Let It Go

Hello PerrfectlyFlawedd,

My thought bubble for the week: “Stop recycling dead end relationships. Some things are meant to be thrown away so that it can be buried.” Have a great week my perrfectlyFlawedd beautiful people!!


“You’re My Angel”

Hello Perfectly Flawed,

My thought bubble for the week: “Never let life get in the way of you spending time with the people you love. Never let your pride get in the way of saying I love you. We always think we have time. Time to make it right, time to hang out with them, time to say I love you. Reality is that we don’t know what the future holds. People are here today and gone today. Life is too short and we should appreciate the people we love while they are here not after they’re gone. Rest in peace beautiful cousin!!!”


Unconditional Love

Hello Perfectly Flawed,

My thought bubble for the week: “Unconditional love starts with you loving yourself unconditionally. Starting today choose to love yourself unconditionally because we are all perfectly flawed! Changing the way you think is a process so be patient with yourself and the process. Have a great day my perfectly flawed beautiful people!”
